Election interference by Blue House is subjected to investigation

It’s strange how the guilty are already terrified. Presidential candidate Yoon Seok-youl made a statement that during the next administration, investigations into “deep-rooted evils” should be carried out according to the law, but suddenly, the current president gets offended? Furthermore, with less than a month left before the election, the Blue House is demanding an apology from the main opposition presidential candidate. This is an affirmation that the Blue House is explicitly interfering in the election in addition to suppressing the opposition’s candidate. An incumbent president getting angry at the opposition’s candidate who intends to properly act upon the rule of law in the next administration is basically getting angry at the majority of the Korean people who want a “change in government.” Who is the Blue House truly angry at?

During an interview with the JoongAng Ilbo newspaper on the 7th, Yoon Seok-youl, the presidential candidate of the People Power Party (PPP), was asked, “If you are elected, will you investigate to eradicate the deep-rooted evils within the previous government just like the Moon Jae-in administration did?” to which he answered, “I will.” He also stated that he would not take part in the investigation, but that “the Democratic Party of Korea (DP) should take responsibility for the crimes they committed using the prosecution.” What was wrong with his response? Isn’t it natural to investigate if such evils were perpetrated by the previous administration under the law?

The main opposition presidential candidate, who was a former legal professional, said that the previous administration’s deep evils should be investigated through the law as a constitutional state, but what is the Blue House so angry about? The “deep-rooted evils” committed over the five years of the Moon administration is piled up high, which includes interfering with the Ulsan mayoral election, the nuclear power plant bribery case, allegedly secretly aiding North Korea, being in secret communication with the North Korean regime, corruption of DP lawmakers, and the Daejang-dong real estate development project scandal. How can the Republic of Korea go forward into the future without eradicating these deep-rooted evils based on the rule of law?

Do not distort the true nature of the issue. It is not “political retaliation” to clear the deep-rooted evils of the Moon administration. It’s “to set the rule of law correctly.” Only when the collapsed rule of law is set right, the path towards the future of liberal democracy will be set. This is “between the heavens and the earth, between you and I.” Even a child knows that at this point, President Moon’s anger and demand for an apology from Yoon is the Blue House’s “election plan” to aid Lee Jae-myung to escape from his continued approval rating of 35 percent. The PPP’s election campaign team must immediately file a complaint with the prosecution against the Blue House’s illegal interference in the election and request an investigation.

Original link: https://www.jayupress.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=2337

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