Monday, May 20, 2024


Joseph Y. Kim

Col. U.S. Army (Ret.)

July 5, 2021

Psychological warfare to shower news from the outside to the driest land to sprout their seeds.

The North Korean population is “deaf and blind” to news from the outside. Now all want to see and hear to believe that there is freedom outside of the Kim’s Hermit Kingdom.

After the summits between President Trump and North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un in Singapore and Hanoi, public opinion in North Korea has been radically shifted from being anti-American imperialist to free democratic pro-American according to recent escapees from North Korea as recounted in a statement made by Park Sang Hak, who is a prominent advocate of a free democratic movement for North Korea.

We need to resume the Balloon Project crossing into the North Korean territory to infuse outside news for the people in North Korea. They are entitled to be informed from the outside world. They are now ready to listen after they have been bombarded for so long with anti-US and South Korean propaganda rhetoric. After all, the propaganda is all false.

After Park Sang Hak came to Korea as a political refugee from North Korea, he realized that North Koreans have been brainwashed since infancy.  They are told that US imperialists are the most dangerous enemies who are an obstacle to the unification of the Korean peninsula under their Great Leader.  North Koreans are taught that both the United States and South Korean aggressors are teaming up to destroy “the great republic” in the northern half of Korea.

Within the six-month period between the Singapore and Hanoi summits between Trump and Kim, the North Korean media for the first time reported the unprecedented news that two enemy heads of state under their national flags held hands for the summit talks outside of North Korea. 

Kim Jong-un, the grandson of Kim Il-Sung who is the current totalitarian dictator, broke their traditional policy to meet with the enemy, President Trump, outside North Korea. North Koreans were caught by surprise that he broke the rule. 

This may have contributed significantly toward the recent change in public opinion in North Korea. Besides, most of the North Koreans know that South Korea is prosperous and people there have freedom. They are well fed with no issues of famine like in North Korea.

The North Korean regime has blocked the news and controls any news media coming in from the outside. Those who listen and share any outside information have been detained and punished. Their TV and radio dials have been permanently fixed and locked.  They have been slaves who are “deaf and blind” ever since the inception of the Kim family’s totalitarian dynasty. They have been systemically flooded psychologically and ideologically with the dogma that the regime is paradise, and the people are the happiest in the world under the great revolutionary leadership of the Kim family.

The North Korean media as well as the Workers’ Party leadership have been proclaiming the Kim family as almighty deities.  All Koreans are required to praise and worship idolatrous statues and photos everywhere in their homes, villages, towns, and cities including military installations.

All North Koreans are forced to accept and adhere to Kim’s authority by putting a pin with Kim’s photo on their left chest as a sign of their respect and obedience to their great leader. All the people are taught that the cultic Kim family dynasty is the only way to unify Korea and bring about world peace. In the past 35 years, North Koreans began influencing South Korean students to be followers of the Juche Ideology. They have now become leaders of South Korea under the Moon administration. 

Kim’s powerful myths and lies must be dealt with surgically, excising them out at once.  Their misguided belief in their fake gods must be redirected toward free democratic capitalism.  Once and for all, this is the right time to eliminate Kim’s baseless lies of a totalitarian kingdom legacy implanted into the hearts and lives of all North Koreans.

 The incredible abuse of human rights, building mega-nuclear bombs, developing chemical and biological gas and its delivery system of ICBMs stem from the need to defend their lies and groundless objectives to push their unrealistic agenda.  The Kim dynasty will not surrender to the CVID discussed during the international summits and conferences, for it will lead to regime change or complete elimination of Kim’s leadership. 

When indigenous army generals, Workers’ Party executives, secret security forces, and millions of “Chang Ma Dang” underground merchants are waking up with news of freedom from the outside, it could obviously result in domestic insurrection by the people whose ears and eyes are open to the outside news for them to reform and to change the totalitarian system.

 South Korean President Moon also needs to change and redirect his unrealistic alignment from Beijing and Pyongyang to Washington D.C.  He has already committed diplomatic and political suicide during his four years as leader of South Korea.  He needs to change his position to rebuild the US defense alliance and become a partner toward CVID and the Indo-Pacific Defense Line before it is too late. While the Moon administration continues tilting towards the CCP at the cost of the US-ROK alliance, they do not believe that the US military forces will defend Korea. Rather, they treat the American military presence as occupational force.


The strategy of CVID is to root out the false doctrine of the Kim family, which the people have been fixated on for so long.  We need to infuse news from the outside, allowing news- hungry people in North Korea to open their ears and eyes to hear and see free news. Furthermore, the allies have failed to provide information from outside beyond the systematic blockage of the North Korean government.  There has not been much strategic programming to re-engage in de-programming people.

Helping to de-program North Koreans in their psychological and ideological fixation and allowing the population to realize that the deity of the Kim family is a groundless lie. It is imperative that this de-programming needs to occur. Helping North Koreans to recover and get rehabilitated from their mental and political mindset will potentially be explosive to downgrade complications and sacrifices in the action plan of the CVID of North Korea. 

Local indigenous response and support will provide tremendous energy to restructure them into a free democratic society.  Local support in helping to reform the regime should not be ignored. 

The former KCI agent who defected to the US recently claimed that Park Sang Hak’s Balloon Project is more powerful than hydrogen bombs in opening the minds of the North Korean general public. 

We urgently need aggressive local support for the positive and effective recovery program under a free democratic system both from human and natural resources.  The rehabilitation and deprograming project should be underway prior to implementing CVID of North Korea to undercut Kim’s assertive and aggressive struggle to survive.


There are many examples that demonstrate the fall of the most eastern bloc nations was initiated by the local indigenous people who heard news from the outside world and rose against totalitarian dictators.  People who had been restricted from hearing outside news began to mobilize to stand up against their totalitarian rulers after they had access to such news.

 For example:

  1. Romanians in Bucharest
  2. Poland at Gdansk shipyards
  3. Disgruntled citizens of Albania
  4. The end of the Soviet Union with Glasnost and Perestroika led by the people of Russia
  5. Insurrection in East Germany by the people and fall of the Berlin Wall 
  6. Fall of Gaddafi led by the citizens of Libya
  7. Next will be the fall of Kim’s cultic dynasty by the citizens of North Korea which is long overdue. They need to have open access to outside news to catalyze people to insurrect.

At this critical juncture of implementing CVID of North Korea, the intelligence agencies of the U.S. and Japan need to utilize whatever methods of psychological warfare they can to incite North Koreans to rise up.

  The most outstanding means that will be effective to get the maximum result will be: 

  1. Voice of America in Korean
  2. Conservative pro-west YouTube commentators and networks from Seoul
  3. South Korean soap operas
  4. South Korean K-Pop dance shows and songs
  5. The US dollars, USBs, ramen, and leaflets denouncing the cultic Kim family contained in the balloons
  6. News on the irreversible CVID policy of North Korea by the US government 

There is access along the borders of China to North Korea where people smuggle goods to supply underground markets. However, COVID-19 has become a tremendous threat to the North Korean citizens who practically have no immunization system and are highly vulnerable for this infectious disease. 

Thus, most supply goods coming from the CCP-DPRK border has been sealed off. Besides, the Biden administration indicated that the UN sanction on North Korea have been extended for another year to prevent any materials from entering the regime. Today, North Korea is going through another season of famine due to lack of food and living supplies. 

 The channels and human resources are readily available to deliver the high-tech informational equipment for distribution to most parts of the country. The Balloon Projects from South Korea have been most effective but unfortunately with the passing of the anti-leaflet law by the Korean National Assembly, this project can no longer continue.

However, there is an alternative approach if the Suga administration of Japan would follow the same model of Park Sang Hak’s method. That is, for the Japanese government to initiate a covert project by delivering all manner of propaganda materials in Korean by balloons. It can occur by using the international high seas to disseminate outside information into North Korea.

 While Japan has suffered so long the kidnapping of their innocent citizens by North Korea, its government needs to become aggressively involved in positive approaches to precipitate the collapse of the Kim regime in connection with upcoming CVID projects.

The Japanese government needs to get involved internationally in helping to remove the regime to have the Japanese hostages released. Furthermore, having a free democratic system on the Korean peninsula will be a strong buffer enhancing the Indo-Pacific Defense Line and protect against the expansionist activities of the Chinese President Xi in the Pacific Northeast.

  It will obviously be the role and responsibility of the people of North Korea to bring about the fall of the Kim regime.  

There are over 35,000 North Korean refugees and escapees residing in South Korea who wish their “know-how” and expertise to be utilized in helping to open hearts and the lives of the people of the North.  Most of them left their family members back home and are anxious to be reunited with their families.

These recovered elite former generals, diplomats, high-level officials from the Workers’ Party, secret police officers, scientists, inner-circle leaders of the central government can be significant resources and assets in helping to liberate the North Korean people.

 It is finally time for the freedom-loving citizens in the world to boldly stand with the US government and other media channels. Thereby they can help to emancipate North Koreans from the chains of dehumanization and slavery by the Kim’s cultic dynasty.

 Freedom-loving international citizens need not to overlook such treacherous human rights abuse taking place for so long with indifference. They need to wake up to this sobering reality. Citizens in all walks of life need to get involved in freeing hundreds of thousands of political prisoners who are detained in North Korean concentration camps without going through a proper trial. 

It is now time for us to join in this noble project. We need to provide our helping hands to free the enslaved North Korea. We ought to pass all the necessary bills and bring about action plans instead of rhetoric. The Balloon Project will be the most effective way to eliminate Kim’s dynasty once and for all.

 May Suzanne Scholte through the broadcasting of news and Park Sang Hak and other South Korean Balloon project teams continue their efforts to inform the people of North Korea of news from around the world.  May those in other areas near the northern border of Korea and from international waters such as what the Japanese government should have their own strategy to launch balloons to share outside news. 

 The North Korean military generals, middle-level Workers’ Party staff members, security agents, and border guards both in the DMZ and China are deeply hungry and thirsty to learn what is going on outside of their news-restricted world.

 People in North Korea at large are in desperate need to hear news for them to affirmatively respond to the fall of the dictatorial totalitarian government. The hoped-for outcome would be the transformation of this nation into a pro-American, peace-loving, free democratic Korean Peninsula.


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