Former North Korean Diplomat and Current Republic of Korea National Assemblyman Thae Young Ho’s Statement on Moon Jae-In’s Comments Regarding the Relocation of the Presidential Office

This is National Assemblymen Thae Young Ho’s personal statement on Facebook, which can be found here.

Why is the Moon administration, which had created a security vacuum throughout its term, suddenly concerned about the North Korean threat? Why is the administration, which was frantic about arranging money to throw at North Korea, suddenly worried about the country’s treasury?

– It is ridiculous that the government, which unilaterally allocated 1.05 billion USD for the Inter-Korean Cooperation Fund, is concerned about the 40.7 million USD cost of relocating the presidential office. 

– The weakening of the ROK-US alliance and the withdrawal of US forces from South Korea are security crises in the Republic of Korea.

– The Moon administration fears the “Era of Yoon Seok-youl”, a communicative president, who will open up the Blue House to the public on May 10.

The Blue House put the brakes on President-elect Yoon Seok-youl to relocate the presidential office to Yongsan, saying that it could lead to a security vacuum and confusion. It’s strange to see President Moon Jae-in, of all people, worry about the North Korean threat and security vacuum. 

Wasn’t he hesitant to call North Korea’s missile tests a provocation? Didn’t he close his eyes to North Korea’s strengthening of its nuclear and missile capabilities? Didn’t he abstain from the UN resolutions condemning North Korea? It feels like yesterday he did these things, but he is now concerned about the North Korean threat.

In addition, his administration designated the demarcation line a no-fly zone through the September 19 Military Agreement. It opened up the routes to North Korea for an attack by withdrawing troops and equipment from the front-line guard posts. The ROK-US combined defense readiness has weakened because no ROK-US combined field training exercises took place. 

The Moon administration previously said that North Korea’s annual military demonstrations and use of force are sending a signal of dialogue. Now that the presidential office will relocate in April, President Moon is raising the “April crisis theory,” saying that April will be the height of the Korean Peninsula’s security crisis due to North Korea’s annual event and ROK-US annual exercise in April. 

It is highly contradictory for his administration to worry about the security vacuum, while it promoted “not through military force, but dialogue” and “peace through a piece of paper such as the end-of-war declaration, and not by force.” So I want to ask why it rushed for the end-of-war declaration if they’re worried about the security vacuum and the possibility of North Korea’s sudden provocation due to relocating the presidential office. 

The current administration, which didn’t say a word on the loud explosion of the inter-Korean liaison office that was built with the taxpayers’ precious money and allocated 1.28 trillion Korean Won for the Inter-Korean Cooperation Fund to modernize North Korea’s rail and road infrastructure amid its numerous missile tests from trains, is now concerned about the cost of relocating the presidential office for 40.7 million USD.

Does anybody believe that makes sense?

The administration, which created a security vacuum by weakening the ROK-US alliance during its entire term and discussed the early return of the wartime operational control, is suddenly concerned about the security vacuum.

It is really sad to see an administration claim that the relocation of the presidential office might be the time for North Korea to suddenly provoke and create a security crisis on the Korean Peninsula. It is deplorable that these security outliers have swayed our security over the past five years.

A security crisis in the Republic of Korea only occurs when the ROK-US alliance weakens and the US forces withdraw from South Korea.

Is the Moon Jae-in administration afraid of opening the Blue House to the people on May 10, and the ‘Yoon Seok-youl era’ which will soon be upon us where the people and the president will communicate with each other?

March 22, 2022

National Assembly Member Thae Young-ho, People’s Power Party

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