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One Korea Network (OKN) and KCPAC (Korean Conservative Political Action Conference) Release Full Color Advertisement in Newspapers in Major Markets in Continuing Campaign to Raise Awareness and Counter the Fake Peace H.R. 3446 Bill

(October 13, 2021, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.):  One Korea Network (OKN) and KCPAC (Korean Conservative Political Action Conference) have released a full color advertisement in local newspapers in major cities throughout the United States, in its continuing campaign to counter the fake peace H.R. 3446 bill being pushed by leftists and pro-North Korea supporters in the United States and in South Korea.

The full page advertisement highlighting the dangers of H.R. 3446 and explaining the deadly outcomes that would arise should this bill pass, was carried in the:

– September 29th issue of the Korea Central Daily (Joong Ang Ilbo) in Los Angeles, Dallas, Chicago, New York, Atlanta, and Washington, D.C.;

– October 1st issue of the Korea Times (Hankook Ilbo) in Los Angeles, Dallas, Chicago, New York, Atlanta, and Washington, D.C.;

A half-page advertisement was carried in the September 23rd issue of the Honolulu Star-Advertiser, coinciding with ROK President Moon’s visit to Honolulu following his visit to the UN.  This followed the earlier placement of a digital billboard ad in Times Square on September 21st.  A full color half-page ad appeared in the Wall Street Journal on September 25-26.

By placing the ads in Korean-language newspapers in areas with large Korean-American population, our aim is to reach even more Americans of Korean heritage to wake up to the realities of the fake peace H.R. 3446 bill,” said Arthur Lee, OKN’s Regional Director, Washington, D.C.  “Our hope is that by directly engaging the community through these advertisements, the people will learn the truth of a bill like this, and get more people to participate in pushing for real peace on the Korean Peninsula,” Lee continued.

The newspaper advertisements are just one part of our overall campaign to counter this fake peace H.R.3446 bill and push for support for real peace on the Korean Peninsula,” said Grant Newsham, President of KCPAC.  “It is our desire that our multi-faceted campaign to counter the fake peace bill, which includes petition drives, educational events, social-media outreach, and in this case, traditional newspaper ads, we can go up against the supporters of this bill who are set on achieving peace at any cost, without any certainty the North Korean regime will change its inhumane and threatening behavior,” continued Newsham.

Citizens can voice their support for real peace by signing on to the petition at:

For media inquiries regarding the advertisement, please contact:

For more information on the Petition Campaign “Countering-H.Res. 3446”, please visit:


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