Friday, May 17, 2024

China’s Central Bank Digital Currency Debut: Grant Newsham

This article was originally posted on NTD.

In the second half, Grant Newsham, retired Marine Col. and director of One Korea Network, touches on what it would mean for Americans if war were to break out between China and Taiwan, the strategic implications, and more.

Newsham said, “Something that I think is the fundamental requirement when America deals with Taiwan that doesn’t get so much attention … is the need to break Taiwan out of 40 years of isolation, and particularly Taiwan’s military. For the last 40 years, it has pretty much been on its own. Yes, the Americans have had some meetings and maybe a little training, a few small training teams have gone to Taiwan. But the American forces do not do joint exercises or joint training with the Taiwan military. So the Taiwan military, it’s in some ways it’s stuck 40 years ago.”

He adds, “The most important thing that needs done for Taiwan is break the isolation, a free trade agreement, and then start adding to the hardware that you need: the long-range missiles, anti-ship missiles, anti-aircraft systems, unmanned aerial vehicles, that sort of thing.”

To read the original article, please click here.

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