Kim Jong Un issues order to repatriate cyberwarfare officer detained at consulate in Russia

This article was originally posted on the Daily NK.

The order said Choe must be repatriated to the North regardless of his mental state and even if he is dead.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has issued an order calling for the forceful repatriation of an “Enemy Collapse Sabotage Bureau” officer who has been detained at the North Korean consulate in Vladivostok after he was caught trying to defect.

According to a Daily NK source on Thursday, Kim issued the “No. 1” order demanding the repatriation of the officer — identified as Major Choe Kum Chol — in mid-January.

According to the source, the order said Choe must be repatriated to the North regardless of his mental state and even if he is dead, and demanded tight security to avoid leaking his whereabouts.

While North Korea has been unable to repatriate other would-be defectors since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, confining them overseas, the order for Choe demands his repatriation as soon as possible.

According to Voice of America, Choe — an IT cryptology specialist with Unit 563 of the Enemy Collapse Sabotage Bureau — was preparing an asylum application to the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) in Moscow after attempting to defect in July. However, he disappeared after he was arrested by five Russian police officers in Razdol’noe, a town near Vladivostok, on Sept. 20.

According to Daily NK’s source, although Choe has been in confinement at the North Korean consulate in Vladivostok since September, only in December did Kim Jong Un learn of the matter. 

Agents of the Ministry of State Security and Enemy Collapse Sabotage Bureau deployed to Russia apparently tried to deal with the matter quietly, believing it nothing more than a simple defection attempt by a low-level officer.

The Golden Bridge in Vladivostok (Wikimedia Commons)

Choe is reportedly an encryption specialist with a PhD from Kim Chaek University of Technology. Daily NK understands, however, that he was in Russia to manage the expired visas and passports of North Korean workers and residents dispatched to Russia, falsifying documents to extend their stays.

To read more, please click here.

Seulkee Jang is one of Daily NK’s full-time journalists.

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