Talks between U.S.-Germany and Russia-France held at the same time

Putin, “I don’t think that our dialogue is over”

Russian President Vladimir Putin (right) with French President Emmanuel Macron (left) held a press conference after talks in Moscow. / AP

Russian President Vladimir Putin (right) with French President Emmanuel Macron (left) held a press conference after talks in Moscow. / AP

As possible warfare is escalating in Europe, the U.S.-Germany, Russia-France summit talks took place at the same time on the 7th (local time) and had discussions regarding the Ukraine crisis. In Washington D.C., President Joe Biden and Chancellor Olaf Scholz held their first meeting.

President Biden declared that if Russia invades Ukraine, the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project from Russia to Germany would be halted. Germany, which has relied on Russia for natural gas, has shown unprecedented cooperation in the U.S. hard-line policy. However, Chancellor Scholz still maintained a lukewarm attitude by avoiding any mention of the gas pipeline project. Chancellor Sholz stated, “[regarding Europe’s energy sovereignty] I can confirm that we work closely with the United States of America.”

Although an in-depth analysis has not been made yet, it is possible to guess that there may have been some sort of energy-related talks since there’s been a change in Germany’s position. One-sided concessions or commitment is the most difficult to imagine in foreign relations as “there are no permanent friends or enemies.” The U.S. government is asking major natural gas importers, such as Korea, Japan, China, and India, for their cooperation to make “swaps.” That, in case of an emergency, they’re asking for some natural gas to be provided to Europe.

The same day, the leaders of France and Russia met in Moscow. French President Emmanuel Macron and Russian President Putin, after spending more than five hours in discussion, emphasized their intention to resolve the Ukrainian crisis through diplomatic efforts. President Putin also stressed that dialogue is not yet over, stating that he would respond to the U.S. and NATO, “A number of his proposals and ideas, about which it is too early to speak, I consider quite possible in order to lay a foundation for further steps.” This remark reaffirmed the possibility of a diplomatic resolution to the conflicts with the West.

Meanwhile, the Ukrainian government asked the United States to deploy THAAD, a high-altitude missile defense system, near Kharkov in the eastern region bordering Russia. NATO (the North Atlantic Treaty Organization) is considering deploying long-term troops to Eastern Europe to strengthen its defense, and Britain and Germany have also decided to add 350 troops to Poland and Lithuania, respectively, following the additional deployment of U.S. troops.

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