(September 29, 2021, Washington, D.C., U.S.A) – One Korea Network (OKN) and KCPAC (Korean Conservative Political Action Conference) have released a full color advertisement in the
Wall Street Journal (WSJ), to highlight the current campaign to counter House Resolutions 3446 (H.R. 3446) pushing fake peace on the Korean Peninsula that is currently being supported by pro-North Korea supporters and leftists.
The half-page, full color advertisement was carried in the Saturday-Sunday, September 25-26th edition of the Wall Street Journal.
“We are continuing to highlight our campaign and raise awareness with the general public, by placing this advertisement with the Wall Street Journal,” said Arthur Lee, OKN’s Regional Director, Washington, D.C..
“As the newspaper of record that has won 37 Pulitzer Prizes, we feel that the readership of the Wall Street Journal would be interested in this important topic of true peace on the Korean Peninsula,” said Grant Newsham, President of KCPAC. “As such, the Journal is an important outlet to call out the dangers of H.R.3446 and to inform and educate the general public nation-wide, and to generate more support for our petition campaign,” continued Newsham.
OKN and KCPAC will continue its advertising campaign in the coming months by continuing to place advertisements in the national and local media outlets through traditional and digital platforms, in both English and Korean.
The advertisement carried in the WSJ, and the original advertisement file, can be found on the OKN website here.
For media inquiries regarding the advertisement, please contact:
202-394-7005; info@onekoreanetwork.com
For more information on the Petition Campaign “Countering-H.Res. 3446”, please visit: https://www.cpackorea.com/