We’ve listened to all the presentations from the United States and also from South Korea. Before I make the announcement, I would like to share some remarks as well. Ladies and gentlemen, the April 15th general election is the second Korean War. I am not sure how you define the Korea War, but I personally believe that the Korean War that took place on the Korea Peninsula was the war that protected democracy on this land.
Even if we lost to North Korea during the Korean War, we could probably survive. However, we would be living not under the democratic system, but under a communist rule. Because we won the Korean War, we were able to protect our democracy, and we are able to live in this democratic society. The April 15th general election, which was wicked, is similar to the second Koren War. It is our fight to defend democracy in this land. If we win this war, we will be able to pass down free democracy to our descendants. If we lose, we will hand in a totalitarian and dictatorship to our children.
Up until this point, the South Korean government turned the blind eye to our criticism about election fraud. And as you have seen in the August 15 protests, the South Korean government is trying to mute us using the Covid-19 as an excuse. And they were trying to do more in this direction.
When I was young and when I was in high school, I read the speech of President Kennedy, his inaugural speech. He said something like this.
“In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this responsibility; I welcome it. I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it; “
Well, I don’t understand why I still memorize this speech. But I think this is the quote that nearly describes the situation in South Korea very well. After the election was rigged on 3.15, 60 years ago, we are facing another crisis to our democracy and we have the responsibility to protect democracy and freedom for the next generation. And this is the mission of our generation, and this is a responsibility that we should take on. We shouldn’t pass the buck to other generations or to other countries. I am sure that you will do the same. Our descendants will recognize our effort as an effort made to defend democracy, and they will remember our passion and our effort, and that will be a source that will brighten up our nation.
I always want to say that anger is power. And we need a coordinated effort. So we need to organize ourselves. We need to shout. We need to shout today because if we don’t shout today, we won’t be able to shout tomorrow. We need to be angry. We need to associate ourselves and organize ourselves, and we need to shout, and express our opinion with a loud voice. And I hope that you participate in my effort.