On September 28th, the Hawaii-based organization New Institute sponsored a press conference in Washington, D.C. at the National Press Club on the topic of the fraudulent election that occurred in South Korea on April 15th. Grant Newsham, Senior Research Fellow at the Center for Security Policy, a lawyer and retired US Marine Colonel, opened and moderated the event joined by three additional presenters from South Korea.
It would be difficult for anyone to believe that massive election fraud could occur in a developed and democratic country like South Korea. Newsham admitted that he was a skeptic when he started his research but became quickly convinced that the South Korean election on April 15th was “in fact rigged and manipulated by the current Moon administration and the People’s Republic of China.”
He became more interested in this issue when he realized how little media attention South Korea was receiving compared to Belarus when citizens in both countries were fighting against their government in pursuit of freedom and democracy.
Newsham set out to examine and review evidence and spent a considerable amount of time interviewing witnesses, that included lawyers, professors, statisticians, computer experts, journalists, politicians and regular everyday citizens. Although the Moon administration currently derides the allegations as fake news and conspiracy theories, Newsham was impressed by how “level-headed” and compelling the witnesses were. He stated that this is a genuine grassroots movement initiated by citizens who are putting their personal well being and even their liberty at risk. There have been legal charges, imprisonment and arrests, and professional harm imposed by the administration against those that are speaking out against the election fraud.
After looking further into the accumulated evidence, he asserted that the election — the electoral hardware, counting machines, and National Election Commission’s main server — was in all liklihood hacked. Other evidence points to manipulation of QR codes on ballots, and the use of counterfeit ballots. Of particular note was the improbable statistical voting patterns for early votes. Eminent statisticans found these incredible. Put together, the evidence supporting the allegations makes a very strong case for a rigged election. And as noted, this evidence was uncovered by citizens acting on their own initiative and in the face of government opposition.
Newsham stated that it is helpful to also look at the general election fraud in a broader context. What we are witnessing in South Korea is comparable to what happened in Turkey and Venezuela. In both countries, authoritariansm was introduced in increments, and then fully implemented. He stated that the judiciary in Korea “has not moved at the speed it should” and that Moon Jae In has now taken effective control of the legislature – one of the last remaining obstacles to one-party rule.
In light of the manipulation that has most likely occurred, Newsham states that the motive of the Moon administration is “to turn Korea into a one-party state unified with North Korea and aligned with China with Americans no longer being in the picture and eventually off the peninsula” and this “… ought to be a serious thing” for the US government. Moving forward, he encouraged the US government, international non-governmental organizations, the foreign media, and the South Korean public and media to dig into this issue more and not give up.